Street show: Ears

Pl. de la Virreina, Barcelona
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Fri 11 Oct · 20:00 - 21:00
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Ears do not have eyelids.

We turn on the radio, consume playlists, podcasts, WhatsApp audios and the list goes on. But underneath it all, the world makes sound, our body makes sound, our imagination and our thoughts make sound.

If we stop our ears, we can hear the forest, our breath, our thoughts gliding through our minds like birds, whether far or near. Sound moves and moves us. It comforts us or irritates us. But... When a sound moves through us, what is left of it afterwards? And if the world is so full of sound, why do we add more? Is it possible that one day we will run out of room for more sounds?

These questions along with others are what drives the research of ORELLES (Organisme Rural d’Exploració Lliure d’Escoltes Singulars) which invites the audience to subvert their sense of hearing and render it infinite.

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