Yásnaya Elena Aguilar Gil

Writer, linguist and ayuujk activist


Her work focuses on studying and promoting linguistic diversity, most notably endangered languages from Mexico, which is the case of her native tongue Ayuujk. Aguilar has participated in various projects aimed at documenting linguistic diversity and elaborating dissemination material on indigenous languages. She is also a part of Colmix (Mixe College), a collective of young people who organise research and dissemination activities around Mixe languages, history, and culture.  Alongside her linguistic activism, Aguilar is also involved in raising awareness of environmental rights, most notably in terms of water scarcity. She has collaborated with Letras Libres and Nexos, and regularly publishes in the newspaper El País. She has collaborated with the Juan de Córdova Research Library (Oaxaca, Mexico), and writes a blog called Ayuujk for the online version of Este País. She is the author of Ää. Manifiestos sobre la Diversidad Lingüística (Almadía, 2023) and has collaborated on books such as Tsunami (Sexto Piso, 2018) and El Futuro es Hoy. Ideas Radicales para México (Biblioteca Nueva, 2018).

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