Jean-Rémi Carbonneau
Political scientist and expert in linguistic diversity
Jean-Rémi Carbonneau is a professor at the University of Montreal Department of Literatures and Languages of the World. He has a PhD in Political Science from the University of Quebec in Montreal (2020). In April 2023, he published his thesis titled Fédéralisme et Légitimité des Langues Minoritaires. Les Cas de la Lusace et des Pays Catalans. He is also co-editor (with Fabian Jacobs and Ines Keller) of Dimensions of Cultural Security for National and Linguistic Minorities, published in 2021. He has led several seminars at Freie Universität Berlin and Bard College Berlin in Germany on federalism, nationalism and minorities in Canada, and compared politics. His research focuses on politics and linguistic regimes, the conflictual relationships between languages, nationalism, and the conditions for reviving and standardizing minority languages in Europe and America.