David Bestué


David Bestué (Barcelona, 1980) is an artist who explores the relationships between art and architecture. He has created works on architects Enric Miralles and Viaplana i Piñón, the Escorial Monastery, and the recent history of architecture and engineering in Spain.  A few of his recent individual exhibitions include: Pastoral, at La Panera (Lleida, 2021), Aflorar (Jorge Oteiza Museum, Pamplona, 2022), Ciutat de Sorra (Fabra i Coats, Barcelona, 2023) and Pajarazos (Patio Herreriano Museum, Valladolid, 2023). He has also curated several exhibitions, including El Sentit de l’Escultura at the Fundació Joan Miró (Barcelona, 2021).

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