
Artist and poet

Perejaume is an artist and poet. Paintings, drawings, sculptures, installations, photographs, videos, and books are just a few of the media and resources Perejaume has explored since the mid-1970s. However, the ensemble is coherent and articulates an artistic system that is deeply critical of the ways of globalised life.  His long stays in rural areas prove that his way of understanding art is linked to country life, allergic to media hype.  With his work, he promotes a common space where that which is human and that which is not come together thanks to unconventional writing, infused with luminous irony. As such, from the beginning of his career, Perejaume has moved through the issues specific to the Anthropocene. Degrowth is often the answer that emerges from his work which, when it comes to exhibiting, is confronted with the paradoxes of this world.  In that sense, the titles of the two most important retrospectives dedicated to Perejaume so far advocate for reversing the saturation that characterises the contemporary world.  One of them is called “Deixar de fer una exposició” (Stop making exhibitions) and the other “Ai, Perejaume, si veies la munió d’obres que t’envolten no en faries cap de nova!” (Oh Perejaume, if you could see the multitude of works that surround you, you would not make any more new ones!).

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