Els mals endreços (Pau Marcos i David Codina)


In his short story La Nota Única, Pere Calders unknowingly describes the aesthetic climate of Els Mals Endreços: “It was, in both an inaccurate and precise way—a miraculous alliance—, an exception that confirms no rule, an absolute world premiere.”

The declaration of principles that guide the work of Els Mals Endreços beseeches: for art of the unexpected, to be where you are least expected, to develop an artistic guerilla technique that takes you by surprise, for the democratisation of the spaces allotted to culture, to liberate cultural expression from scheduled appointments, posters, specialised halls (and audiences) and to reclaim the possibility of spaces to subvert that which reality forces them to be.

Questioning the limits of labels and cultural products, this performance is part concert, part improvisation and contemporary creation. It combines the exploration of new techniques with a kind of minstrel amusement that is older than walking.

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