Democracy and memory. The people’s Barcelona and the democratic tradition of the late 19th and early 20th century

Concepción Arenal, 165, Barcelona
Thu 10 Oct · 18:00 - 19:15
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Barcelona has a long tradition in the fight for rights and freedoms. It was between the end of the 19th century up until the 1930s that the city became a genuine battleground for the defence of fundamental rights, a period that would leave its mark on the city’s social and political life. At the same time, processes, movements, organisations, and actions sprang up that would largely impact the political and social dynamic and that have today become popular legacies of democratic memory. 

We will discuss the role of freethinkers and spiritualists, the fight for civil rights, and the organisational tradition of popular associations and trade unions with two people who know Barcelona’s popular memory better than anyone else: Chris Ealham, historian specialised in Spanish anarchist movements, and Dolors Marin, a doctor in contemporary history and expert in anarchism, will participate in a debate led by Arnau Monterde, director of the Democratic Innovation Services Directorate at the Barcelona City Hall.



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