Ignacio E. Domínguez

Anthropologist specialised in queer studies

Ignacio Elpidio Domínguez Ruiz (Madrid, 1991) is a social and cultural anthropologist specialised in queer studies, victimisation, and inequalities. His main areas of study are the victimisation of queer people, spatial inequalities, justice systems and institutions, and work in digital platforms. He is currently working as a professor at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. He is the author, among other publications, of Bifobia: Etnografía de la Bisexualidad en el Activismo LGTB and Tú a Soria y Yo a Barcelona: o Cómo Cambian las Vidas Queer en Función de Dónde Vivamos. He has also collaborated on Más que Visibles: Antología de la Bisexualidad y Otras Plurisexualidades.

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