Míriam Cano
Journalist, writer and translator
A lecturer at the Bloom School where she gives seminars on Poetic Reading and Creation, she also works with several Catalan cultural media outlets as a columnist and literary journalist. Notable in her career as a writer are several collections of poems, among them Buntsandstein (Red Sandstone, Viena, 2013), winner of the 2012 Martí Dot prize, Ancoratge (Anchorage, Terrícola, 2016), and Vermell de Rússia (Russian Red, laBreu Edicions, 2020).
She also wrote the short story “La Comuna de París” (The Paris Commune) in the jointly authored volume Cremen Cels (They Burn Skies, LaBreu Edicions, 2017), a project in collaboration with Martí Sales and Antònia Vicens. As a translator she rendered into Catalan works by authors including Emily Dickinson, Albert Camus, Sandra Cisneros, Maggie Nelson, Lauren Groff, Martha Nussbaum, Joana Russ and John Ashbery. She is also the coeditor of the magazine Carn de Cap.