Worn clothes and stolen truths

Pl. Joan Coromines, Barcelona
Wed 09 Oct · 19:30 - 20:30
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At a time when infoxication and fake news are gaining ground in our daily lives, author Zadie Smith asks herself, as we all do, who should we believe?  Throughout her literary career, Smith has addressed the hypocrisy hidden behind the veil of political correctness and has explored the coexistence of minorities in the United Kingdom against the backdrop of colonial responsibility and the contradictions of the Empire. 

In this session, Smith will have a conversation with writer and translator Míriam Cano based on her latest book, The Fraud (published in Spanish by Salamandra, 2024). In this novel, she reflects upon lies and how the weight of a story in a class society condemns and accuses the weakest while allowing appearances to govern the lives of the most powerful.



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