Joan Llort

Oceanographer at Barcelona Supercomputing Center


Joan Llort has a BSc in Physics from the University of Barcelona and developed his research in oceanography at the Sorbonne University of Paris and the University of Tasmania in Australia.  Currently his research is focused on quantifying the impact of desert dust and forest fires on marine ecosystems. In addition to his scientific research, since 2021, Joan has been involved in various hybrid projects mixing art and science to rethink oceanographic and climate data from an aesthetic and conceptual point of view thanks to co-creations with artists. Along these lines, he heads a science and sound art project with artist Pablo Sanz and the PLAYMODES team, financed with the help of Joan Oró from the Catalan Foundation for Research. 

He also collaborates with the duo Tarta Relena to reconstruct the mermaids’ songs from The Odyssey with marine robot data, which has given birth to a sound installation called Mermaids and Robots. His artistic involvement has led him to participate in festivals such as Sònar+D and Eufònic.

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