Marc Sanjaume
Professor of political theory at UPF
Marc Sanjaume-Calvet is an assistant professor of political theory at Pompeu Fabra University. He has been a researcher at various universities abroad. His areas of research focus on nationalism, federalism, and democracy. He is the author of the book Independència i Progrés. El Repte Democràtic de l'Scottish National Party (Saldonar). Recently, with Professor Ferran Requejo, he co-published the book Defensive Federalism. Protecting Territorial Minorities from the “Tyranny of the Majority” (Routledge). This year, he will co-publish along with professors Morales-Gálvez, Riera-Gil, and Pérez-Lozano, the manual Filosofia Política. Una introducció (Edicions UB). His academic research has been published in journals of international scope such as Democratization, Journal of Politics, Party Politics, Nations and Nationalism, Canadian Journal of Political Science, and Representation, among others. He chaired the Academic Council for the Clarity Agreement (Accord de Claredat).