Dolors Marín

Historian and professor

She has a Doctorate in Contemporary History from the University of Barcelona and wrote her thesis on the shaping of libertarian culture in Catalonia and the organisation of anarchist affinity groups.

Her most recent books include Espiritistes i Lliurepensadores (2018), Mujeres Obreras en el Raval (2019), Historia de l’Anarquisme als Països Catalans (2022) with Jordi Martí.

From 2000 to 2005, she worked as a Professor of Audiovisual Documentation Techniques in the New Professions Master Programme at the UB. She also worked as a documentary maker and curator for various exhibitions: L’Hospitalet, 100 Anys d’Ajuntament; Collblanc-La Torrasssa, Història d’un Barri (2001); Surrealisme i Etnografia: la Trobada Fecunda (2000); Ètnic (2004); and Gitanos, Sis Segles de Cultura Rom a Catalunya (2005).

She worked as a consultant for various documentaries and films and is author, along with Lluís Calvo, of Surrealisme i Etnografia CSIC-Barcelona (2000); Clandestinos: El Maquis contra el Franquismo (2001 and 2005); Cornellà: 25 anys de Democràcia, with Àngels Marín (2004); La Barcelona Rebelde. Gúa de una Ciudad Silenciada (2004); Francesca Bonne-Maison: Educadora de Ciudadanes (2004); La Família Montseny-Mañé: un Laboratori de les Idees; and Ministros Anarquistas (2005), as well as various articles for historical dissemination.

She participates in events related to recovering historical memory (La Gavilla Verde in Cuenca and the Asociación de Jóvenes de la Comarca del Jerte in Extremadura). She is also member of the Marxa dels Maquis of Catalonia.

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