Elena Carrillo

Professor of Public Health at the URL

Elena Carrillo Alvarez is a dietician-nutritionist and psychologist. She is a Full Professor of Public Health at Blanquera School of Health Sciences - University Ramon Llull.   She is the lead researcher of the Global Research on Wellbeing group (GRoW) and currently heads the Research Institute for Health of the same institution.

Her line of research focuses on the study of social and nutritional determining factors in health from a complex and multidisciplinary perspective.  Her work is the result of an educational background and research that combines health, education, sociology, and psychology. Her research focuses on the social conditions that influence health and food consumption, with particular interest in vulnerable populations, and food insecurity and accessibility. She is a member of the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and of ESDN Public Health of the European Federation of the Associations of Dietitians (EFAD).

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