Violeta Cabello

Researcher and facilitator

Environmentalist, Doctor in Geography, and Ramón y Cajal researcher at the Basque Centre for Climate Change, she has recently finished her training as a facilitator.  She is inspired by questions on how to live together in a damaged planet and how to create bridges between ways of understanding and experiencing the world while respecting the differences between the two.   She has most notably explored water-related issues, such as water distribution, scarcity, pollution, and the conflicts provoked in areas where this resource is scarce.  Lately, she has been particularly concerned with the consideration of ecosystems, plants, and animals as subjects that raise questions and co-constitute us.  Since 2021, she has lived off and on at Mar Menor Lagoon in order to understand the complexity of its crisis and whether it is possible to activate something she calls collective agency as a possible remedy.

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