Claudia Delso Carreira

Researcher and project technician at IDRA

She has a degree in Art History (USC) and a postgraduate degree in International Cooperation and Cultural Management & Technopolitics and Rights in the Digital Era (UB). She has been working as a project technician and cultural mediator for over a decade. She has managed, coordinated, and steered cultural and interdisciplinary projects at local, national, and international levels.

Between 2015 and 2022, she was a councillor of the Town Council of A Coruña for the political coalition Marea Atlántica.  Between 2015 and 2019, she was a representative of A Coruña Provincial Council and a councillor for Participation and Democratic Innovation in the municipal government of A Coruña, where she implemented ground-breaking public policies.

She currently co-coordinates the Seminar “Rethinking the Museum: institutional practice and mezzopolitics” within the Study Programme in Critical Museology, Artistic Research Practices, and Cultural Studies “Tejidos Conjuntivos” (Connective Tissue) organised by Museo Reina Sofia (Madrid).

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