European models for the reception and social inclusion of immigrants

La Model
Entença, 155, Barcelona
Thu 10 Oct · 18:00 - 19:15
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Immigration has changed the composition of European societies. Cities, but also a growing number of rural areas, are experiencing increased diversity. Over the last few years, the political use of this phenomenon has stimulated the rise of reactionary populism with a clear xenophobic bias.  Often the alternative has lied in forsaking the debate on immigration and its impact as if the debate itself implied acceptance of the most reactionary narratives. However, above and beyond simplistic prejudices that lead to irrational polarisation, it is necessary to build expertise and practical knowledge of the different policy models for inclusion and social cohesion in immigration. 

From the perspective of compared politics, this debate is an encounter between two experts in the subject: Jan Willem Duyvendak, Director of the Netherlands Institute of Advance Study, and Christophe Bertossi, sociologist, with Blanca Garcés, researcher in migrations at CIDOB, as the moderator.

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