Christophe Bertossi

Sociologist. Director of the Institute for Democracy. 

Christophe Bertossi is a sociologist and political scientist. He directs the Institute for Democracy (Idem) in Paris. He has a PhD from the Institut d'Études Politiques d'Aix-en-Provence (2001) and is authorised to conduct research by Sciences Po Paris (2013). His work focuses on the controversies around citizenship, discrimination, and immigration from a comparative perspective. He is a researcher at the Institut Convergences Migrations and the University of Nice. Some of his most noteworthy publications include: Les Mots et les Choses de l’Immigration en France (Paris, Trocadéro, 2022), Nativisme : Ceux qui Sont Nés Quelque Part… et Qui Veulent en Exclure les Autres (Paris, Les Petits Matins, 2021, with A. Taché and J.W. Duyvendak), and La Citoyenneté à la Française : Valeurs et Réalités (Paris, Éditions du CNRS, 2016).

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