Responses to totalitarian populism that transcend outrage

Pl Masadas, 1
Sat 12 Oct · 17:00 - 18:15
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The more complex our society, the more effective simple responses are. Populism is characterised by giving simple responses to deep, justified dissatisfaction.  Blaming and attacking others— who are always more vulnerable— has become an antipolitical alternative to inevitably complex political responses. All this leads to a decrease in the quality of democracy and a polarisation that puts social cohesion at risk. Therefore, responses cannot remain stuck in moral outrage which ends up creating barren conditions.  We must be aware of the phenomena, understand the causes, and look into responses that will be effectively transformative.  In this dialogue, Miquel Ramos, expert journalist in the far right, and Santiago Alba Rico, writer, will engage in an analysis of the causes and possible responses.



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