Disputed imagination

La Model
Entença, 155, Barcelona
Fri 11 Oct · 19:30 - 20:45
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The current difficulties in finding alternatives to our production methods and social organisation have earned our era titles such as “the end of times” or “the end of history.” Some insist on our complicity with forms of oppression, arguing that our servitude is voluntary.  Within this context, a part of critical thought has adopted a blame-throwing attitude that does not seem to contribute to creating possibilities for a different shared world to emerge. Rather, critical exercise should be more concerned with working on this imagination before announcing its demise.

Jacques Rancière has worked extensively in this area, exploring the critical potential of fiction in configuring settings for common disputes, and contesting the established order and its identifying logic. From this perspective, he urges us to think about the potential of appearances to construct new imaginaries and other forms of meaning for what is commonly shared. He will discuss this topic in a debate with Professor of Aesthetics Andrea Soto Calderón.

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