Jacques Rancière

Philosopher, Emeritus Professor at Paris VIII University.

Jacques Rancière, born in Algiers in 1940, is an Emeritus Professor at the University of Paris VIII where he taught from 1968 to 2000 in the Philosophy Department. He also taught at the European Graduate School and in various American universities.  His work articulates around various important topics: intellectual and social emancipation (La Nuit des Prolétaires and Le Maître Ignorant); democracy as a form of action (La Mésentente, La Haine de la Démocratie); forms of history and fiction (Les Mots de l’Histoire, La Fable Cinématographique, Politique de la Littérature, Les Bords de la Fiction); the relationship between aesthetics and politics (Le Partage du Sensible, Le Spectateur Emancipé, Aisthesis, Les Voyages de l’Art). His latest book, Au Loin la Liberté, is an essay about Chekov published in September by Éditions La Fabrique.

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