Living in Barcelona today. Tourism, housing, and gentrification

Av. de la Mare de Déu de Montserrat, 132
Sun 13 Oct · 17:00 - 18:15
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Over the past few years, the debate around the limitations of tourism in the city of Barcelona has become predominant. The effects on the housing market and how gentrification processes affect the lives of residents are some of the most pressing questions for the future of one of the most attractive cities in Europe for tourists. How can Barcelona tackle the strain of tourism on top of a real estate market on the verge of collapse? What consequences does this housing crisis have on the urban and rural environment? 

We will discuss this topic with three experts from the world of architecture, urban planning, and anthropology: Núria Moliner, Erik Harley, and Jaime Palomera with Journalist Laura Aznar as the moderator.



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