Jaime Palomera

Anthropologist and researcher at IDRA

Anthropologist and researcher at IDRA. A vital goal: to put an end to foreclosures so that everyone can have a decent life.

He has a PhD from the University of Barcelona (2013), a Master from the University of London (2007), and was a Visiting Fellow at the Graduate Center of New York (2009) and EHESS of Paris (2010). He has published in prestigious international scientific journals on issues such as financialization, urban inequality, the crisis of the landlord society, and the tenant generation. His work on the causes and effects of the major mortgage crisis is considered to be one of the most relevant in 40 years (IJURR).

He dedicates a part of his work to creating tools for democratizing access to housing and promoting social justice through organisations such as IDRA, the Sindicat de Llogateres, and more recently, Reviu.  He works with a wide range of universities and international organisations to create urban policies with a transformative capacity. 

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