Kant: education for freedom. Debate 1: Towards education for maturity - but how?

Carrer Canuda, 6
Thu 10 Oct · 18:00 - 19:30
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Kant said we must have the courage to use our own understanding, without which there can be no maturity. Therefore, a fundamental objective of education for young people must be to cultivate independent thinking and decision-making in order to at least assume responsibility over our own lives.  This task lies on the shoulders of parents as well as schools. However, what are the correct skills for doing so? How can education help forge independent thinking and decision-making? When should this start and with what objectives and methods? 

In a debate moderated by Professor Daniel Gamper, Philosopher Barbara Bleisch and Professor at ICREA Thomas Sturm will discuss how to educate towards maturity. 

Activity organized by Goethe-Institut Barcelona and Thomas Sturm. In cooperation with: Consulate General of Germany / Friends of the Goethe-Institut Spain / Ateneu Barcelonès / UAB ICREA Pro Helvetia.



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