Oriol Montanyà

Deputy director at UPF-BSM and journalist 

Oriol Montanyà Vilalta is Deputy Director and Senior Lecturer at the UPF Barcelona School of Management.

Prior to this, he held a management position at the company Mercadona, where he coordinated the Logistics Department and was a part of the board of directors. He is a specialist in supply chain management, which is a central theme he brings into his PhD studies, the classes he teaches, and the Master programme he heads.

Oriol also actively participates in knowledge transfer activities via the UPF-BSM Observatori de Sostenibilitat (Sustainability Observatory), which he set up as a bridge between the academic and professional worlds. 

In addition, he writes a fortnightly column on company management in La Vanguardia, is a member of the advisory board of a transport company (Serveto), and participates in logistic expert groups of the government of Catalonia.

As for his education, he has a B.A. in Sociology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a B.A. in Journalism from Pompeu Fabra University.

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