The Mediterranean, what type of myth do we want?

Carrer de València, 302
Tue 08 Oct · 18:00 - 20:00
Skip main gallery

The Mediterranean has become an idea identified with a space that seeks to reconcile cultures, languages, and people through exchange and debate. All Mediterranean cultures are the product of contact amongst one another, comprised of comings and goings, loans and thefts, agreements and struggles. This is how over the course of centuries, unstoppable connatural forces have created an immense space of both curiosity and interest in others but also fear and mistrust.

Is it possible to reinvent the Mediterranean imaginary in a way that favours humanistic values and propitiates open, plural spaces? Is the Mediterranean myth just the desire of a few, a cultural myth, a fantasy? What type of myth do we want? Thinkers and creators from its four shores (Manel Forcano from Catalonia, Hélé Béji from Tunisia, Hani Hassan from Lebanon, and Nourhan Sondok from Syria) will put their ideas forward in a talk accompanied by an art intervention from artist Nourhan Sondok with Mireia Estrada.