Vanessa Freixa

Generator of critical thinking on rurality

Vanesa Freixa Riba dedicates her work to creating and generating critical thinking on rurality. She works on LAVIRAL project which unites art and science during these urgent times. Between 2009 and 2016, she was the director of the Escola de Pastors de Catalunya (Catalan Shepards’ School). She collaborates with the magazine Pantera and Savanna Books publishing house. She co-edited the book LlavorsSom la Regeneració and co-directed the documentary "El no a l'os". She collaborates in the media with her articles on rurality. She wrote Ruralisme. La lluita per una vida millor (Ara Llibres, 2023). She has a small flock of 10 sheep and a small vegetable garden in Pallars Sobirà.

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