Magda Bandera

 Journalist, co-founder, and director of La Marea

Magda Bandera is a journalist and co-founder and director of La Marea. She is also the editor of Climática, the first Spanish media outlet specialised in climate change and biodiversity, and has been the organiser of La Uni Climática since 2020.

She has worked for La Vanguardia and Público and has collaborated with various media (TV3, Catalunya Radio, Cadena Ser, RTVE, El Periódico de Catalunya, and La Sexta).

She is the driving force behind “Decálogo para el tratamiento informativo de la violencia de género” (Guidelines for the media coverage of gender-based violence) and PorTodos, a journalistic investigation into feminicide in Spain. She has received various awards for her work. In 2019, she was granted the #Solidaritat award with a special distinction in communication media by the Institut de Drets Humans of Catalonia (IDHC), and the Good Practices Award in Non-Sexist Communication by the Associació de Dones Periodistes de Catalunya (ADPC). In 2017, she received the 8th Ameco Prensa-Mujer Award in the Written Press category.

 She has written several books including Hijos de Guerra and No Som Estúpids.

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