Núria Moliner

Architect, journalist and musician 

She dedicates her work to the dissemination of architecture culture, architectural thought, design, and urban planning from a social and environmental perspective.

She hosts and directs the documentary series Animals Arquitectes TV3, hosted Escala Humana TVE— which has 4 seasons and was awarded at the Spanish Biennial of Architecture—, and collaborates on cultural programmes such as Curiosity and Punts de Vista on TVE. She is a curator for events, including the Biennial of Thought, Model. Barcelona Architectures Festival, Dansa Metropolitana Festival, and Architecture Now Barcelona and Madrid. Currently, she is also a Professor of Architecture Theory at ETSAB Barcelona School of Architecture (UPC). She participates in festivals, congresses, and cultural events, and collaborates with the media, publications, companies, and local authorities. She heads her own dissemination team— Núria Moliner Studio— and the creator of audiovisual communications Prestalgia.

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