Joana Gomila & Laia Vallès


In both their individual careers and as a duo, Joana Gomila & Laia Vallès have developed a very specific approach to music and sound creation. In their collaboration, the transformation of material and experimentation are the foundations of the creative process. During the tour for Folk Souvenir, a project headed by Gomila, the beginnings of the experimental and creative possibilities of this insatiable duo started to take shape, a duo that seeks to play with the limits of language to create universes that take flight from voice and electronic elements.

Folk Souvenir shook the world of traditional music with a very personal and bold approach. Very few albums have been able to faithfully capture the essence of Majorcan tunes and it does this, paradoxically and in part, for its ability to free them from constraints and reinvent them based on kaleidoscopic perspectives. In Paradís, Joana Gomila & Laia Vallès broadened their gyrating vibes, delving deeper into a state of investigation and experimentation that sparked their debut and expanded their sound language to include their own original compositions. In their latest EP, Així Deçà, spoken word, song, and gnawed lyrics coexist with their chickens at home, the sea at S’Illot, and the sibyls and partridges of Son Perot to reconstruct a parallel world that strays from regular orbits.

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