Martí Domínguez
Biologist, writer and director of Mètode magazine.
He is a journalist, educator, and writer. With a PhD in Biology from the University of Valencia (UV), he is specialised in entomology and the co-evolution of insects-plants. Since 2002, he has been a Full Professor of Journalism at the UV, where he worked prior to this as an Associate Professor of Zoology. Since 1999, he has directed Mètode magazine published by the UV. For this work, he received the National Journalism Award in 2007. He set up the audiovisual channel Mètode TV and Observatori de les Dues Cultures (The Two Cultures Observatory - O2C) which explore the interactions between the media and science. He spearheaded the collections Monografies Mètode and Biblioteca Darwin, and has published scientific articles in journals such as Science Communication, Journalism Studies, and Contributions to Science. He is a member of the Science and Technology Committee of the Department of Culture and Communication Media of the Generalitat de Catalunya and of the editorial committee of the journals Transfer and L’Espill. For his literary work, he has received various awards: Premi Andròmina de Narrativa (1997), Joan Crexells (1998), Premi de la Crítica of the University of Valencia (1998 and 1999), Prudenci Bertrana Prize (1999), Josep Pla Award (2007), Carles Rahola for essay writing (2013), Serra d'Or Criticism Award for Novels (2016), 2nd Premis Literaris Ciutat de Benicarló in the Scientific Dissemination category for his work Veus de Ciència (2017), 2019 Òmnium Prize for L’Esperit del Temps, and 2022 Proa Award for his novel Mater.