Anna Pazos

Writer and documentary filmmaker

Anna Pazos is a writer and a documentary maker. She has produced various short documentaries and a non-fiction podcast. She has written for El País, La Vanguardia, Le Monde Diplomatique, Haaretz and The Jerusalem Post, among other media. In 2017, she obtained a Fulbright Scholarship to carry out postgraduate studies at New York University. In New York, she worked as a fact-checker for The New York Times and as an editor and producer for BBC. In 2020, she published with the BBC her first short autobiography, The Circle: A Story of Love, Waves and the Arms Trade, an experience that fills a chapter in the present volume. Since May 2020, she has co-hosted the podcast Les Golfes. She has recently published the essay Poder i Desig (Fragmenta, 2023) and Matar el Nervi (Segona Perifèria, 2023).

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