Albert Lladó

Journalist and writer

Albert Lladó (Barcelona, 1980) writes for La Vanguardia and directs the radio programme Interior Maconda. He is the author of the essays Contra la Actualidad (Galaxia Gutenberg, 2024) and La Mirada Lúcida (Anagrama, 2019), the novels Malpaís and La Travesía de las Anguilas (Galaxia Gutenberg, 2022 and 2020), and the works of theatre Ícaro (Tantarantana, 2018) and La Mancha (Teatre Nacional de Catalunya, 2015). He teaches Creative Writing at Ateneu Barcelonès School of Writing, Cultural Studies at Escola Massana, Literary Journalism at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and coordinates, along with Marina Garcés, the Escola de Pensament (School of Thought) at the Libraries of Barcelona.

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