Roberto Gargarella
Lawyer and sociologist
Lawyer and sociologist from the University of Buenos Aires and PhD in Law from the same university and from the University of Chicago, with postdoctoral studies at Balliol College, Oxford University. He teaches Constitutional Theory and Political Philosophy at the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella and Constitutional Law at the Universidad de Buenos Aires. He has been a visiting professor and researcher at the Universities of Bergen and Oslo, Pompeu Fabra, New York, Columbia, New School and Harvard.
He has received John Simon Guggenheim Fellowships (1999) and Harry Frank Guggenheim Fellowships (2002). He has published several books on constitutional theory and political philosophy, including Latin American Constitutionalism (Oxford UP, 2013); The Legal Foundations of Inequality (Cambridge UP, 2010), and also, La justicia frente al gobierno; Las teorías de la justicia después de Rawls y El Derecho a protestar: El primer derecho. His latest published book is The Law as in Conversation Among Equals (Cambridge UP, 2022).