Anti-capacity activist
She is 25 years old and has a degree in Biomedical Sciences. She is a full-time bisexual woman, proudly "crippled" and fat. She is a part-time social media activist, claiming the importance of online activism in struggles such as anti-disability, where she explores her interceptions of feminism, LGBT, body positive and neutral movements through the prism of her physical disability.
Being "activismo y salseo tata" one of her mottos, she has made appearances in programmes such as First Dates daily and in its cruise version. She is also a regular contributor to Riot Comedy Fem as a stand-up comedian. She believes that the revolution is collective and that the care of the individual is necessary to carry it out. Activism and the anti-capacity struggle saved her life, but her friends and recreation save her every day from the oppressions that she still cannot escape from.