Óscar Martínez
Investigative journalist and writer
He has become a name of reference in investigative journalism and chronicle at the head of Elfaro.net, a digital media born in El Salvador with the vocation of promoting journalism committed to the work of denouncing and documenting corruption, violence and inequalities in Central America.
He has received numerous awards such as the Fernando Benítez National Prize for Cultural Journalism in Mexico (2008), Maria Moors Cabot from Columbia University (2016) and the International Press Freedom Award (2016), awarded by the Committee to Protect Journalists, and has published several books, including Los migrantes que no importan (2010), an essential piece for understanding the Central American region in the 21st century, through which each year almost half a million people travel the migration route to the United States.
His latest publication is Los muertos y el periodista (2021), a chronicle-essay where he exposes doubts and uncertainties linked to his work as a journalist while narrating one of the stories that has most marked his career.