Míriam Cano
Writer and translator
She has published the poetry collections Buntsandstein (Viena, 2013), winner of the 2012 Martí Dot Prize, Ancoratge (Terrícola, 2016) and Vermell de Rússia (la2). She is also the author of the short story La Comuna de París, in the joint volume Cremen Cels (laBreu Editions, 2017) with Martí Sales and Antonia Vicens. She has translated a selection of poems by Emily Dickinson (Bèsties 15. Dickinson, Poncianas Editions, 2017) and Cartes a un Amic Alemany, by Albert Camus (Leonard Muntaner Ed., 2019).
She has collaborated in various Catalan cultural media as an article writer and literary journalist and is a member of the faculty of the Escola Bloom, where she teaches seminars on reading and poetic creation.