Marta Segarra
Professor of Gender Studies at the University of Barcelona
She is Director of Research at the Laboratory of Gender and Sexuality Studies (LEGS) of the National Centre for Scientific Research in Paris, and Professor of Gender Studies at the University of Barcelona (UB).
Her research is mainly in the fields of gender and sexuality studies, biopolitics, posthumanism and cultural studies.
She has published several books, among the latest: Humanimales (Galaxia Gutenberg, 2022), Comunidades con acento (Icaria, 2021), Fils. Cartes sobre el confinament, la vigilància i l’anormalitat (with Ingrid Guardiola, Arcadia, 2020), El món que necessitem (with Donna Haraway, CCCB, 2019) and Teoría de los cuerpos agujereados (Melusina, 2014). She curated the exhibition Coreografies del gènere at the Centre of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona (CCCB), which received the Catalan Association of Art Critics award in 2019.