Marina Garcés
Philosopher, activist and teacher
Her work focuses on the field of politics and critical thought, and on the need to articulate a philosophical voice that seeks engagement, action and emancipation based on an awareness of our interdependence in a shared world.
She is the author of several books of essays, including Filosofía inacabada (Galaxia Gutenberg, 2015), Nova il·lustració radical (Anagrama, 2017) and Ciutat Princesa (Galaxia Gutenberg, 2018). As a result of the Aula Oberta project, which she directed at the Barcelona Institute of Humanities, the volume Humanitats en acció (Raig Verd, 2019) was published. Recently, she has oriented her reflection in the field of education and pedagogies, and in this sense she has published Escola d’aprenents (Galaxia Gutenberg, 2020) and Pedagogies i emancipació (Arcadia, 2020).
She currently directs and teaches on the master's degree in Philosophy for Contemporary Challenges at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) and runs the School of Thought at the Teatre Lliure together with Albert Lladó. She also coordinates the section L’angle cec (The Blind Angle) in the TV programme Planta baixa on TV3. She has been a member of the academic management of the Independent Studies Programme (PEI) at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona (MACBA) and was the driving force behind the Espai en blanc project, a collective commitment to a committed, practical and experimental relationship with philosophical thought.