Mar Rosàs
Professor of Anthropology and Bioethics at the Blanquerna Faculty of Health Sciences at Ramon Llull University (URL). During her career she has been mainly dedicated to the study of the influence of the Jewish messianic tradition in contemporary philosophy, especially at the intersection of political philosophy, ethical theory and philosophy of language in the work of Giorgio Agamben, Walter Benjamin, Ernst Bloch, Jacques Derrida, Emmanuel Lévinas, Franz Rosenzweig and Slavoj Zizek. This work, to which he dedicated his doctoral thesis at Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), gave rise to the book Messianismo en la filosofía contemporánea (Herder 2016).
Currently, she combines the study of contemporary continental philosophy with the analysis of how narratives of illness reflect and reproduce certain socio-economic and political logics.
Between 2012 and 2014 she was Professor of Catalan Studies at the University of Chicago, and then went on to coordinate research for the Ethos Chair at the URL and to edit the Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics.