Manuel Arias Maldonado
Political scientist and populariser
Professor of Political Science at the University of Malaga (UMA). He was a Fulbright scholar at the University of California at Berkeley, Salvador de Madariaga at the Rachel Carson Center at the University of Munich and at the Department of Environmental and Animal Studies at New York University.
He is the author of numerous academic articles and books, such as La democracia sentimental. Política y emociones en el siglo XXI (Página Indómita, 2016), Antropoceno. La política en la era humana (Taurus, 2018), (Fe)Male Gaze. El contrato sexual en el siglo XXI (Anagrama, 2019) and Nostalgia del soberano (La Catarata, 2020). His latest work is Abecedario democrático (Turner, 2021).
He is a regular contributor to Revista de Libros, where he has a blog called Torre de marfil, Letras Libres, Revista de Occidente, Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos and Lettre International. He directs the Aula de Pensamiento Político at the La Malagueta cultural centre in Málaga, and is a columnist for The Objective and the national edition of the newspaper El Mundo.