Jordi Cornudella
Philologist, writer and curator of the Gabriel Ferrater Year
He has published three volumes of poetry - Felí encès (1985), El germà de Catul i més coses (1997) and Tot Abulcàssim (2019) -, two volumes of essays - Nabí, de Josep Carner (1986) and Les bones companyies (2010) -, l'Àlbum Ferrater (1993) - half published with Núria Perpiñán -, a couple of poetry anthologies and a group of translations, in verse and prose.
He has edited the complete poetry of JV Foix, Maria Mercè Marçal and Gabriel Ferrater, the narrative prose of Mercè Rodoreda and Joaquim Ruyra, several books by Josep Pla - including the stories collected in La cendra de la vida (2021) -, classic novels such as Josafat by Prudenci Bertrana and Solitud by Víctor Català, Gabriel Ferrater's lectures on contemporary Catalan literature and many titles by contemporary authors. He is patron of the JV Foix Foundation and executor of the literary legacy of the brothers Gabriel Ferrater and Joan Ferraté. In 2022 he is the curator of the Gabriel Ferrater Year.