Eduard Escoffet
Poet, cultural agitator and teacher
Professor of the Master in Sound Art at the University of Barcelona (UB), he is co-founder of the collective Projectes poètics sense tí He was co-director of the International Poetry Festival of Barcelona, directed the festival of current poetic practices PROPUESTA at the Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona (CCCB) and currently directs the festival Poetry and +, organized by the Palace Foundation of Caldes d'Estrac.
In 2005, he was curator, with Eugeni Bonet, of the film cycle Pròximament en aquesta pantalla, about lyricist cinema at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona (MACBA). He is co-author of plays such as ¡Wamba va! (2005), or Puaj./Ecs. (2005), and of the film Cos endins (Italy, 2019). He has written the poetry books Gaire (Pagès, 2012) and El terra i el cel (LaBreu, 2013). He curated the exhibition La xarxa al bosc. Joan Brossa i la poesia experimental, 1946-1980 (2019) at the Joan Brossa Foundation in Barcelona. He has published, accompanied by the electronic band Bradien, the albums Pols (spa.RK, 2012) and Escala (spa.RK, 2015), and is currently a member of the group Barba Corsini, with which he released the album Un nou incendi (2021).
He has practiced various aspects of poetry, although his work focuses on sound poetry and live recital. He has presented his work in centers, festivals and poetry programs everywhere, such as the Pompidou Center, the Palais de Tokyo, the Fondation Cartier in Paris, among many others. In parallel, he has also worked as a cultural policy advisor.