Chantal Mouffe
Philosopher and political scientist
Professor Emeritus of Political Theory at the Centre for the Study of Democracy, University of Westminster, London. She has taught and researched at many universities in Europe, North and South America, and is a member of the International College of Philosophy (CIPH) in Paris.
She is editor of The Gramsci and Marxist (Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1979), Dimensions of Radical Democracy. Pluralism, Citizenship, Community (Verso, London, 1992), Deconstruction and Pragmatism (Routledge, 1996) and The Challenge of Carl Schmitt (Verso, London, 1999). Together with Ernesto Laclau, she published Hegemony and Socialist Strategy. Towards Radical Democratic Politics (Verso, London, 1985).
She is also the author of Return of the Political (Verso, London, 1993), The Democratic Paradox (Verso, London, 2000) and Agonistics. Thinking the World Politically (Verso, 2013). With Íñigo Errejón, she is co-author of Podemos. In the name of the People (Lawrence & Wishart, 2016) and For en Left Populism (Verso, 2018).