Carles Llinàs
Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy La Salle-URL
Born in Barcelona on 1 May 1963. Degree in Philosophy from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) in 1987. PhD in Philosophy from the same university in 1995, with a thesis on the philosophical-theological thought of Ramon Llull (gnoseology and doctrine of angels) awarded by the Institut d'Estudis Catalans. Professor at the Ramon Llull University (URL) since 1992. Currently, Professor at the URL and Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy La Salle-URL. His teaching and research work focuses mainly on Ramon Llull himself and on various issues of contemporary thought, with special attention to logic and political thought (theological-political problem), including some of the most important authors of Russian religious philosophy of the 19th and 20th centuries (Solovyov) and some of the most relevant Western European thinkers, especially German (from Hegel to Heidegger), of the same period. He has published three books and seventy articles and book chapters.