Antonio Gómez Villar
Professor and writer
Professor of Philosophy at the University of Barcelona (UB). His main lines of research revolve around the ways in which the conceptual field of class recomposition has been redefined in response to the transformation of subjectivities and new cultural and political relations.
He is the author of the book Los olvidados. Ficción de un proletariado reaccionario (Bellaterra, 2022); E. Laclavo y Ch. Mouffe: hegemonía y populismo (Gedisa, 2021); and editor of the books Maradona, un mito plebeyo (Ned, 2021); Working Dead. Escenarios del postrabajo (La Virreina, 2019), with María Ruido and Marta Echaves; and Vidas dañadas. Austeridad y vulnerabilidad en la era de la austeridad (Artefakte, 2014), with Sonia Arribas.