Anna Bofill
Architect and composer
Doctor of Architecture and composer. She has collaborated with the Arquitectura-Bofill workshop and on projects such as the Barri Gaudí, 600 habitatges socials a Reus, La ciudad en el Espacio, propuesta de una nueva configuración del entorno habitado and the Walden 7 residential complex, among others.
Professor of projects at the Vallès School of Architecture (ETSAV-UPC) and teacher and lecturer at many schools throughout Europe, the United States and Latin America. She has carried out social projects in Catalonia and other countries. Pioneer in Spain of the analysis of architecture and cities from a gender perspective, with a paper at the First Conference of Independent Feminists in Barcelona.
She has published books such as Mujer y vivienda (1981), Planejament urbanístic, espais urbans i espais interiors des de la perspectiva de les dones (2005) and Guia per al planejament urbanístic i l’ordenació urbanística amb la incorporació de criteris de gènere (2008), among many others.