Álvaro Colomer
Writer and journalist
A writer and journalist, throughout his career he has worked in various genres, from novels to non-fiction, including short stories and youth literature, and has received several awards such as the International Award for Excellence in Journalism for Guardianas de la memoria (Martínez Roca, 2008), the Premio Jaén de Literatura Juvenil for Ahora lega el silencio (Montena, 2019) and the Enerclub Award for a report published in the Magazine of El Mundo.
His work also includes other publications such as La calle de los suicidios (Círculo de Lectores, 2000), Mimodrama de una ciudad muerta (Siruela, 2004) and Los bosques de Upsala (Alfaguara, 2009), three independent novels that make up a trilogy that talks about suicide from different perspectives. In the field of non-fiction, it is worth mentioning Se alquila a una mujer (MR, 2002), about the phenomenon of prostitution in Spain, among many others. He also collaborates with media outlets such as El Mundo, La Vanguardia and Cadena Ser.