Tania Adam

Journalist and cultural producer

Tania Safura Adam (Maputo, Mozambique, 1979) is a curator, researcher, and founder and editor of Radio Africa, a platform for critical thought and dissemination of Black arts and cultures. Her research explores Black diasporas, resistance, and popular African music. She was curator of “Microhistorias de la Diáspora. Experiencias encarnadas de la dispersión femenina” (Micro-Stories of the Diaspora: Embodied Experiences of Female Dispersion, La Virreina, 2018-2019), “Blue Black Futures” (MACBA, 20121-2022), and “Requiem por la Humanidad” (Requiem for Humanity, La Casa Encendida, 2023 -2024). She also headed the programme of activities for “Making Africa: Un continente de diseño contemporáneo” (Making Africa: A Continent of Contemporary Design, CCCB, 2016) as well as writing for several media outlets. She has recently published the essay, Voces negras: Una historia oral de las músicas populares africanas, Vol. 1 (Black Voices: An Oral History of African Popular Music). From 2017 to 2019, she presented the Betevé interview programme “Terrícoles” and also African Bubblegum Music on Radio Primavera Sound (2019). 

She presently heads the research project “España Negra. Viaje hacia la negritud en el espacio-tiempo” (Black Spain: A Journey to Negritude in Space and Time, Reina Sofía Museum, MACBA, Artium, CCCB, IVAM) and also of the Black Iberian Studies seminar of the Reina Sofía Museum Studies programme. She also presents the Radio Africa programme at Betevé.

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