It is at the heart of almost all programming, as the subtitle The day after it all shows. However, a few activities more directly address explicitly forward-looking issues and look more or less immediate challenges in the eye.
The programme of the Biennial of Thought is intense and extensive, full of moments of great interest. As a complement to the chart and to help distinguish the sessions that best suit personal predilections, we have prepared a series of small guides called itineraries. Each one of them refers to a theme or approach that is of notable relevance in this year's edition.
It is at the heart of almost all programming, as the subtitle The day after it all shows. However, a few activities more directly address explicitly forward-looking issues and look more or less immediate challenges in the eye.
The verb, at the center. Indispensable raw material for thought, experience, memory. A tool with infinite possibilities that gives rise to sessions with authoritative voices from writing, linguistics, or communication.
An inescapable condition in any reflection on the present and the future. This itinerary includes sessions that propose convincing solutions for the survival of the planet and the quality of life of the beings that inhabit it.
A dimension that permeates all aspects of life, from the most intimate sphere to the public arena. Thus, various considerations, often intersecting with other thematic divides, carry significant weight in the programming.
The Biennial of Thought does not usually personalize excessively; the main protagonist is the theme and the civic debate it generates. However, some sessions focus their main interest on proper names, on specific individuals, whether they are historical figures or relevant figures from today's world.
There are not few proposals that include a critical approach that questions and rejects the power, knowledge, and culture structures inherited from the various forms of colonialism.